About EI and EQ

Did you know that you who love music and who can feel and imagine yourself into it, have a great ability to use your empathetic side in relation to life? 

When you use your Emotional Intelligence, i.e. your EI in communication, you have, so to speak, turned on your heart feeling. Automatically you create inner pictures which enhances your ability to think yourself into the situations, like music, paintings, people, communications etc. 

EQ is a quotient and is measured as is IQ. 

Q stands for quotient and I for intelligence and E for emotional. 

In other words, something that can be measured through a test that measures performance in relation to a reference population in terms of the skills that are measured. 

If you have a high EQ, the use of your EI would be a natural part of your communication if, for example you live in a family, community, group, etc. 

If you have a high EQ and you live in a society where the use of your EI is, for example, punished or not appreciated, it becomes a mental affliction and can often lead to illness. 

We have many examples of this in our history - unfortunately. 

If you want to become a good communicator, it is essential that you develop, strengthen and use your EI, both to lead yourself in your inner dialogue and to lead others. 

To do that, you need methods that give you tools so that you so that you can master this. 

In 1996, Daniel Goleman wrote the book "Emotional Intelligence - why it can mattter more than I" and he says that: "Everyone knows that high IQ is no guarantee of success, happiness or virtue, but until emotional intelligence we could only guess why." 

 Daniel Goleman's brilliant report on the frontiers of psychology and neuroscience provides startling new insights into our "two minds"—the rational and the emotional—and how they together shape our destiny. 

On LinkedIn, he says: I'm happy to share with you stimulating ideas, tips and leads you may find useful, all having to do in some way with emotional intelligence – and beyond. Think of this as news to use. And yes that's exactly what I plan to do here, use it as a novelty here on the blog. Let's dive in - here! 

Good news about emotional intelligence A new report from Microsoft, about 300 million jobs in the future will be affected by artificial intelligence. This will mean a new way of working - AI and humans side by side. And a global survey of leaders, the report says, targets three abilities as the "new core competencies": analytical reasoning, flexibility and emotional intelligence.  

This conclusion comes from Microsoft's new Work Trend Index report, a global survey of 31,000 people. And the BBC reports that while AI will affect millions of jobs in the future, there are two key skills that AI is unlikely to take over: innovation and emotional intelligence

At the same time, there's good news for anyone who wants to improve their emotional intelligence. Belgian researchers report a meta-analysis of more than 150 separate studies with a total of 51,000 people finding that emotional intelligence is one of the most important skills for success in careers

The report highlights the key role adaptability plays – one of a dozen competencies in the use of EI – in adapting to new work realities and coping with any difficulties they may entail. Another aspect of emotional intelligence that helps during your career stems from the EI strength of self-awareness and self-management: the confidence that you can manage your emotional reactions to whatever surprises work or life brings. 

The research showed that people with higher in EI are more satisfied with their jobs — that is, less likely to quit — which signals that they make better career decisions in line with their motives and interest, and can adapt to the realities of their job. And because they're better at managing their own emotions, they tend to be easier to work with, more popular with their workmates — the people others like to be around.  

The really good news: the research makes it clear that EI skills can be learned. 

Unlike our IQ, which is fairly fixed from birth, EI is learned in life – and can be improved at any time, if we are motivated

These are the words of his researcher who originated the understanding and use of EI. 

And this is what happens when you learn the methods and use the tools that Potensia® teaches you.  

You will get all the help you need to become a great communicator.

 Think about it: communication is one of the most important things in life.  If you are to be able to interact with other people in all of life's situations you will  be listened to because you hear what the others are sayuing.

Igniting the heart flame, as I call being empathetic, will automatically lead to you becoming someone who can adapt to the situation, listen to others, get a clear insight into what the issue is about that they want to communicate about and so you will understand what yur communication shall be about.

You will become a human who trains your EQ through using your EI. 

All the best to you. 

As always here: https://iziibuy.com/shop/potenisamethod/products you can go in and look at the courses I have. 

If anything suits you and resonates with you, lcontact me. 

Here you can look at posts from my activity on Facebook. I have a page there: https://www.facebook.com/potensiamethod and a group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/228495644460630 #kommunikasjonsglede #kommunikasjonsfrykt #emosjonell intelligence #EI #kommunikasjonspotentiale #iziibuy #ngage